Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Coming Up: RiffNotes for 300

Just a quick update: work has now begun on the RiffNotes for 300. Should have it ready for download by no later than July 10, 2008.

Carry on.

Whoa! You don't own the RiffTrax commentary for 300 yet? What the hell are you waiting for? This is probably one of the Top Five funniest riffs in the RiffTrax catalog, and you don't want to miss out on the laughs. The chemistry between the three guys is really, really good in this commentary, plus you get to hear the extended "This! Is! Sparta!" joke (which will change your outlook on life forever). Click on the image here to the left, pay your $3.99 entrance fee, change into your red cape and leather battle-panties, flex your pecs, and enjoy the Riff.